It was a long weekend and didn't want to miss a chance to ride my bike. Called up Sree late in night to find out if he was free on Saturday. And luckily he had an off. Tattekere was the first long ride I had done about 2yrs back when I had purchased my Trek 3700 from BOTS. And it was a long overdue, and wanted to ride again.

Left my house at 6.30am and was joined by Sree near JP Nagar, headed towards Harohalli had breakfast at Adigas on kanakpura road, and without a stop reached Harohalli. Harohalli is a small town about 15kms before Kanakpura. Had a small pit stop, loaded ourselves with some refreshments and Turned left towards Jigani, from the turning near Harohalli, Jigani was about 22kms.
The road through out the route was awesome, hardly any pot holes. But after the turning near Harohalli for about a kilometre or two, the road is pathetic but after that its a pleasure and its completely rolling. At one point we on our MTB's touched 57.8Km/hr (Imagine on a road bike, I bet they can easily touch 80 or may be even 90km/hr) . Reached Tattekere the odo read 45Kms.
The previous day when I was talking to Sree, I was telling him about taking this route i.e. starting from Kanakpura side and ending the ride on bannerghatta road as the route would descend down making the ride easier and then later on ride through bannerghatta road which is almost flat.
After we reached Tattekere did I realise that the actual climbs were just after Tattekere. The lake was completely filled, it was an simply superb sat down for about half an hour and started our journey back. From kanakpura side, we descended to about 690m and then we had our mammoth climbs a head of us. It was torturous, with very little water and one orange with us all we wanted was to find a place where we could get some water.
During the journey to Tattekere I had my helmet on, and by the time we reached Tattekere my forehead was throbbing and had mild headache. And during the climbs removed my helmet and just wore a cap and the pain subdued. I think it must have been the helmet that caused headache.
Reached the junction where Bannerghatta road meets Koppa road. Took a left turn towards bannerghatta. The Temperature was unbearable, I think the time must have been 12.30. There were a couple of things I was worried about as we reached bannerghatta, I thought I would bonk (but till now i've never experienced it) and secondly was a bit worried about my leg. But luckily nothing happened, Sree broke off near Arekere and I head back home, the last 5kms literally crawled back.
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